Bouquet of Lilies


These Beauties are Oriental lilies and are the perfect companion to any gift on our website or you can have them delivered on their own. They’re always a popular choice because of their exotic perfume that fills a room and the flowers are long-lasting.

The bouquet of lilies comes beautifully wrapped and tied with ribbons and bows, ready to be enjoyed. We also have these beautiful lilies in a vase. These flowers are loved by people all over the world.

We offer same-day delivery across the entire Gold Coast.

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These Beauties are Oriental lilies and are the perfect companion to any gift on our website or you can have them delivered on their own. They’re always a popular choice because of their exotic perfume that fills a room and the flowers are long-lasting.

The bouquet of lilies comes beautifully wrapped and tied with ribbons and bows, ready to be enjoyed. We also have these beautiful lilies in a vase. These flowers are loved by people all over the world.

We offer same-day delivery across the entire Gold Coast.

These Beauties are Oriental lilies and are the perfect companion to any gift on our website or you can have them delivered on their own. They’re always a popular choice because of their exotic perfume that fills a room and the flowers are long-lasting.

The bouquet of lilies comes beautifully wrapped and tied with ribbons and bows, ready to be enjoyed. We also have these beautiful lilies in a vase. These flowers are loved by people all over the world.

We offer same-day delivery across the entire Gold Coast.

Gardenia Gift Box
House Plant
Phalaenopsis Orchid
Peace Lily Plant
from $60.00
Zanzibar Plant